Friday, May 7, 2010

My stomach is growling and I went on a run; unrelated.

So I'm sitting here on a Friday night, ignoring the bars and clubs (more so the bars) which are beckoning my name, because I'm playing the good friend.

Or rather the helpful one.
Earlier I ran 5 miles on the Katy (?) Trail in Dallas. I'm dying to know who this Katy character was, but I'm in no way motivated to look it up. If that isn't laziness I'm not sure what is.
But regardless, at the moment I'm terribly hungry waiting on this rice to boil, or water thats boiling to fix the rice, I'm not terribly certain of what I'm waiting on. But the rice isn't ready and I'm starving.
And I'm starving because my friend, in preparation for his upcoming back to back filming of adult entertainment movies, needed a workout/healthy living buddy for a couple of weeks. So being that I felt I could also benefit with some workout training, I said "certainly, Steven ******, I'll help."
But double (or triple) workouts a day and egg white sandwiches (seriously?) for breakfast are starting to break me. Not to mention, I want to go out and get drunk.

Soon, I suppose.

1 comment:

  1. At this point, I think it's totally time to break out the roids' and uppers.*

    *Note: Despite language in the above statement that suspiciously appears to contradict language in this statement, I do not condone the use of illegal drugs or steroids for performance enhancement. Knowledge is power, and knowing is half the battle; GO JOE e
